Reach for the Moon
A Handful of Stars Ain't Bad
A group of men went to volunteer in the community today. Though hardly newsworthy on the surface, these were no ordinary men. These individuals are proud members of the HASC Center’s Day Habilitation program in Flatbush.
One of five Day Hab programs offered under the auspices of the HASC Center, each branch strives to help individuals with varying developmental disabilities grow and integrate into the community, all within an environment that is consistent with their functional level and cultural and religious preferences.
Tailored to each person’s unique interests and needs, these Day Habilitation programs offer a choice of diverse activities daily. Each staff member is carefully selected to match the program and its participants and is educated to encourage, support and bring out the best in each person. Services include training in daily living and communication skills, leisure and recreational activities that enhance mobility and promote good health, behavioral techniques that mitigate challenging behaviors, and the use of community resources and volunteer sites to increase self-sufficiency.
Today’s activity saw us head to the pediatric ward at Coney Island Hospital, where the men assembled and distributed welcome packages to all the proud new mothers. Other volunteering activities have included cleaning local synagogues, visiting local nursing homes, and more.
“Our motto at HASC Center is: ‘Reach for the moon. A couple of stars ain’t bad’,” says director Suri Englard. “Our goal with the programs is to maximize each individual’s capabilities in a productive, happy, and most of all, fulfilling environment.”