Keeping Up the Connection
My child was in love with his counselor this past summer, and I am very grateful. The only hard part is how much he misses him once camp ends... How can I keep up this friendship without making the counselor feel pressured?
- Uncertain
Dear Uncertain,
This is actually quite a common scenario for Camp HASC campers. I believe that taking a proactive approach and communicating this need in advance is the key. Don't wait until your child is already feeling disappointed - at that point, the staff member is likely feeling guilty himself, and you may feel like you're being a nudge!
Instead, when camp ends, while the excitement of camp is still strong, send the staff member a message to thank them for their efforts and suggest a realistic, meaningful way to keep in touch.
Let them know that your family member would really appreciate a short phone call or voicenote or even a visit around Yom Tov time. Tell them you'd be happy to remind them if they'd like. You can also ask them to suggest a time that might work for them.
You may just find that having that conversation and working out a plan beforehand will make all the difference, and keep the connection strong.
- Rav Avi Pollak, Program Director of Camp HASC